Monday, March 8, 2010

Previous Project Ideas

Well, here is my promised post from yesterday~
These are the stuff that I was contemplating on doing for my assignment:

The absorbency of nappies and whether different types of water such as vinegar water, salt water or sugar water would hold the same amount in the nappy. I wanted to do this originally because I have a younger brother and sister who wear nappies. So I could also test the different between boys and girls nappies even though we all know the difference and my brother wears my sister's nappies sometimes anyway . But then I realised that if I were to repeat my experiment a few times, I would have to use a lot of nappies. And trust me nappies cost a lot.

Then I thought of doing how yeast grows under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, and how this affects them. I chose not to do this because... it was too hard and uninteresting (that's actually one of the criteria I think :D). I would have had to do so much more research and planning. Its kind of hard to understand the concepts of it and my poor little brain was experiencing technical difficulties just trying to understand the experiment.

Then I saw the "milk into plastic" experiment. It actually sounded interesting and not too hard. But then Ms Zhang told me all the ways I could do it... and it sounded hard. Haha. Anyway, it would have been a bit boring if it was too easy I suppose. ;]

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