Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Final Results.

Ok, so this is what my little babies (LOL) looked like after they had dried.

I took some pictures on the morning before I went to school:

The one which had 25mL of vinegar. I accidentally labelled it as 20 but you get my drift 8]
As you can see, it obtained a distinctive yellow colour but hadn't turned all the way yellow.
The 50mL one. It has no yellow colouring effect and is harder than the aforementioned blob ;]
The 100mL of vinegar blob. It's pretty much white and was harder than both of the previous ones. It also had a more distinctive smell. (yeah I actually smelt this stuff)

Then when I came back home (like at 8:00?) I took a picture of all of them so you can directly compare them
Um yeah, just ignore the stuff on my table. The most yellow looking one is the one with 25mL, the whitest one was the 100mL. The 25mL was the softest and the 100mL one the hardest when I applied pressure to them with my finger. The 50mL casein was of course harder than the 25mL, but softer than 100mL. The 25mL vinegar casein also had a relatively faint smell of vinegar, while 50mL had a more distinct smell and the 100mL with the smelliest odour.

Well, I'm glad I've finally compelted my experiment, now all I need to do is write it up. Yay~
I still have my casein in my room, but I don't want to throw it out. T___T

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